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Tuition is due and payable at the beginning of the month for that month’s lessons unless other arrangements are made in advance.

Missed Lesson

Jennifer wants to make your lessons as pleasant and user-friendly as possible. She respects your time and ask the same from you. Thus, missed lessons must have a 24 hour notice or the lesson AND fee are forfeited. If such notice is given Jennifer will offer a makeup lesson at a mutually agreed upon date within 30 days of the missed lesson. If that lesson is missed or cancelled no additional makeup will be offered and the fee is forfeited. A “No Show” is automatically forfeited. In this case, the fee may NOT be applied to the next month’s tuition. This is a professional studio so please remember you are reserving her time.

Vacation or Advance Notice

Vacation or advance notice is to be given at the beginning of the month if a lesson is to be missed due to vacation or special event. You may then deduct that lesson’s fee from the month’s tuition or schedule a make-up lesson. You must have at least 2 lessons per month to be considered an active student.


Re-scheduling will be given every effort to accommodate you. If no other time is available within that week, a make-up lesson will be scheduled.

Teacher Conflicts

Teacher conflicts may occur if the teacher needs to reschedule. In that case, the lesson may be made up or carried over to the next month.

It is also important that you recognize that the Hix Studio is a business and is operated as such. With a full understanding of these policies, let’s get to work and begin the process of reaching your goals!